Missouri Legal Services
Legal aid programs providing free legal help to the low-income and disadvantaged in Missouri

Types of Free Legal Assistance Provided

Get Legal Aid
Apply for legal aid at the legal aid program that serves your county. You can apply by telephone or online with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Legal Services of Southern Missouri, or the Legal Aid of Western Missouri.
Missouri Tenant Help
Many persons served by legal aid programs in Missouri may be facing eviction and are unable to get an attorney. Sadly, we do not have the resources to serve all those who seek our help.
We are providing a link to the https://motenanthelp.org can help self-represented persons defend themselves The website can produce a document which a tenant can file with the court where their eviction is pending. Additionally, the website has tons of helpful information about evictions.

"The Cold Weather Rule" - Utility Disconnections
What is the Cold Weather Rule? The Cold Weather Rule prohibits a utility company from disconnecting gas or electric utility service that is necessary to operate home heating equipment (such as a furnace) due to nonpayment of a utility bill during times of extreme cold.
22 Feb 2025

National Slam the Scam Day
National Slam the Scam DayMarch 6, 2025 On National Slam the Scam…
Continue Reading31 Dec 2024
New Missouri law regarding the expungement of criminal records
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KY3) - A provision contained within a larger criminal…
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