Scams & Identity Theft

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‘Why training is the best defense against cybersecurity and data threats’ Cybercrime is one of the most prominent threats facing businesses today. It’s often thought that criminals are only out to target the biggest corporations, but any business – no matter how large or small – is vulnerable. 
In the modern world, most of us will rely on electronic banking in some form or another. Whether it’s using a card to pay for items in shops, or online transfers, we seamlessly use a blend of digital finance tools and cash in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, this means that there is also a myriad of ways that scammers can target consumers, especially if they are a high-risk group.
Our elderly loved ones are some of the most precious people in our lives. Sadly though, seniors are also some of the most vulnerable, especially when it comes to online scams. To View information concerning how to keep your love ones save, click on link below: How To Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe from Online Scams ( If you click this link, you will be leaving this web site.
Consider signing up for an identity theft monitoring service for yourself and other members of your family, including children. Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. Make each password unique. Use a password manager to securely store your passwords.
Check a Charity before you donate.  For more information go to:   Charity Watch If you click on this link you will be leaving this website.
What is Identity Theft?   
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This site provide notices and alerts of different type of scams.  Click the link below to view. Disaster Recovery - Scams  If you click on this link you will be leaving this website.